Heya hey! My name is Bucket! I am american adult who loves old web design and making webpages! Please, feel free to stay awhile and relax! Scroll this page for various widgets and whatzits!

Marco superior redondeado


pichón de codorniz


cesta amarilla

tres juncos verdes alineados

hogaza de pan

Nudo de cierre del cartucho

My name in Heiroglyphs:
Click to get your own!

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Scented //Slime Rainbow 🌈 UltraViolet My Jam!! Sarah Alex G
Old Clique I had with my neocities buddies back in the day... Now they're all dead sites. Ironic.
Blobbo, my rescued Gifypet from my old site!
Internet Blink Exchange
Member of the Internet Blink Exchange